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Schæferhundklubben Kongsberg Charachter Test
Wicked Game Star Passed

Norwegian Kennel Club , Norwegian Winner Show 2021
Lillehammer 22 August
Wicked Game Vegas puppy male class VP1 and Best Puppy Of Breed
Congratulations to owners

Norwegian Rottweiler Klub- Buskerud
Judge:Henrik Fuchs Rasmusen -Denmark

Male Puppies 3-6 Months:
Wicked Game Wictor VP1, HP, Best Male Puppy and Best Of Breed Puppy

Wicked Game Walco Vp2 ,HP

Female Puppies 3-6 Months:
Wicked Game Wildcard VP 6
Wicked Game White Queen VP

Male Puppies:6-9 Months:
Wicked Game Vegas Vp1,HP

Junior Males:
Wicked Game Tenzo SG 1

Junior Females:
Wicked Game Star V1

Wicked Game Tiffany SG2

Wicked Game Sky SG3

Open Males:
Wicked Game Mattis V1,CK , 3nd best male

Wicked Game Loco,SG 4

Working Males:
Wicked Game Damon V1 ,CK,CAC, 2nd best male.

Working Female:
Wicked Game Davina V2,CK,res.CAC 2nd best female

Champion Male:
Wicked Game E-Marco V1,CK, Best Male and Best Of Breed

Best Breeder:
Wicked Game l

Örebro - Sweden
Unofficial Sieger Rottweiler Show
Judge: Christina Tronstad Larsen - Norway

I had the pleasure to judge unofficial Sieger Rottweiler Show in Sweden
, with around 50 rottweilers.
This show is consider a training show.
I had a very nice day, and i really hope that everyone showing their beautiful dogs did also
A show with many prices at a wonderful location.
The concept of the show is also that the judge of the show is a long time breeder,
that isn't officially a judge yet.
But maybe will open the thought to become a judge in the future and possibility
to see how it is to be on the "other side", as a judge, and not a exhibitionist.
I must say that the experience was totally worth it.
Made me think about the future in positive ways.
Thank you so much for the opportunity Gerard and Ia O'shea

1/8/2021 Speciality Rottweiler Show Finland
Judge: ADRK, Edgar Hellman (Germany)

Wicked Game Ice V in open class males
Congratulations to owners

Karmøy Hundeklubb
Judge:Svein Bjarne Helgesen
Wicked Game Tiffany puppy female class VP 1 and Best Puppy Of Breed
Congratulations to owners

Dogshow Høland JFF Løken- Norway

Wicked Game Vegas, puppy male class VP1, Best Puppy Of Breed
Congratulations to owners

Our girls Wicked Game Loca and Wicked Game Perlita
has started their training for BH-VT and IGP in NoblesshofK9 training center as always.

Sandefjord dogclub show

Judge:Sven Olov Gustavsson

Wicked Game Tiffany VP1 ,Best Puppy Of Breed and 3rd Best Puppy Of Group
Congratulations to owners

Norwegian Kennel Club Sandefjord

Wicked Game Sky V2, CK in Junior female class
Congratulatons to owner

Wicked Game Damon Working Male Class V1,CK ,CAC, Best Male and Best Of Opposite Sex.

Schäferhund club Grenland.
Judges: Steinar Aagaard, Terje Bøvelstad.

Wicked Game Perlita

Wicked Game Roxette

Design by Christina Tronstad Larsen.
© All your copyright information here.